Interesting post on MailChimp's blog on customer notifications . What I personally felt was most interesting was how changing the logout screen to a less familiar format increased pageviews of the product link by several times.
Category: Articles
Web Traffic Case Study

Just read an interesting case study on traffic conversion with a dozen traffic types – AdWords, Twitter, etc.
While the sample is relatively small, the results are interesting, particularly how Twitter Auto Follow (by setting to follow the competition's followers and sending a direct message to everyone who follows him) beat all the competing traffic sources for visits and conversions – although Social Media and forums beat it on conversion rates.
One other advantage for the Twitter Auto Follow method is that it is self-sustaining. While forum posts sometimes get you traffic years after the post, most don't, so it requires constant attention on your part…
How to choose your product prices?
Interesting article by ExtendsLogic about choosing plan features and prices .
In the end he got double the average revenue per customer.
I do wonder if the simple feature test (every plan has all features but the pricing grid tells you they don't) wouldn't be considered deceptive advertising, at least locally…
Interesting article on how to get video thumbnails on search results – and apparently ranking well in them, just by using Open Graph.
Secure WordPress

Nice post on Problogger about Securing your WordPress installs . Cover the basics – such as keeping your install update – as well as a few useful security plugins.
Worth checking out.
How to Write an App Store Description

I just read an excellent article by Joanna Weibe (of Copy Hackers fame) on How to Write an App Store Description .
Clearly it is very different from a regular web page, because of all the constraints on the Apple Store as well as the other app stores.
While this is theoretical for me right now (no phone apps so far) it is an interesting read, and recommend if you publish to app stores or plan to.
Browser size analysis
There is a new tool on Google Analytics that shows what the average users see on your landing page above the fold.
Unfortunately it fails in different ways on all my sites, but you can read the Analytics Blog post and maybe try it yourself.
Common eCommerce SEO Problems

Distilled had an interesting article on common eCommerce SEO problems. Many of these are wildly common, such as poor URLs and redirects (which I'm afraid I'm also guilty of).
Worth checking out if you have any kind of site.
8 cool new CSS3 effects

Very interesting post at WebDeveloperJuice showing 8 just arrived magic effects of css3 worth to know .
It is hard to choose a favorite, but the paper fold looks very nice.
Update: a few more effects on More Cool CSS3 Effects

I'm a bit impressed with the new Google Analytics Easy Dashboard Library . It is an incredibly easy way to build a custom Google Analytics dashboard, or just adding a few items to your existing business dashboard. Very cool!